pHarn tagged posts

Savage Worlds in Hârn

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I have been having this urge to really try out Savage Worlds using Fantasy Grounds but for the setting I keep gravitating back to Hârn. There is an older conversion out there that was started but I am seriously thinking of building out my own Savage Worlds pHârn.

Basically, what I am contemplating is running a Savage Worlds game set on the island of Hârn where that island and setting are basically transplanted to the planet of Krynn. The rest of Krynn has fallen to the Evil forces and now the Dragonlance events are finally encroaching on that remote and small part of the world.

Stay posted.

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D&D5e Hârn Classes

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For this pHârn I plan to redo most of the D&D 5e classes to better match Hârn. For example, the Paladin will only be available to followers of Larani and will be associated with the Order of the Checkered Shield or The Lady of the Paladins Fighting Orders. However, there will be an ‘Anti-Paladin’ type subclass known as ‘Blackguard’ that will be available to the followers of Agrik and associated with his Fighting Orders. At this point I am envisioning the following classes;

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Bestiary – Gargu-Arak

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One of the first things I have been working on for the D&D5e Hârn conversion is getting some of the Hârn specific creatures converted over to D&D5e stats starting with the Gargun.  First up is the Gargu-Arak although its only a draft and will be tweaked as needed.

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D&D5e Hârn Conversion Project

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After reading the d20 Hârn Guide created by Shane Morales (the Version 1.01 copy dated  June 9th  2002) I have decided to do my own D&D5e Hârn conversion. As part of the project I will be building supporting Fantasy Grounds Library Modules in the hopes that one day it will be complete enough to run an actual online Fantasy Grounds campaign.

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