HârnMaster tagged posts

Aiming Zone/Strike Locations

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Here are the Strike Location tables for each of the Aiming Zones. If you hit, you choose the table where you’re aiming and click the Roll Icon. The tables do the rest to determine the exact location and output it to the chat window.

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Detailed Strike Tables

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Ok, so I made some crude tables for Strike Locations. What this does is allow the player or GM to choose the appropriate Aiming Zone table and roll 1d100. You only need to click the Die Icon (under Roll on the AIMING ZONE MID Table) once, so one roll as opposed to multiple rolls and looking up of each result, then relaying the player or GM. That starts the sequence to determine the full hit location. The Strike Location is determined and then, if there is a related subtable, such as a hit to the Face or something needing to determine if it was the Left or Right side, the system rolls on the next appropriate subtable. If the result shows a Grey Circle with Red Star, it moves to the appropriate subtable and continues to roll for more details as needed...

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HârnMaster and Fantasy Grounds (VTT)

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Fantasy Grounds has a revised ‘MoreCore Ruleset’ that has been redesigned enough that it looks like it can be tweaked and used for HarnMaster now. Here is ‘Peri the Lame’ from Friends, Foes & Followers – Part 12 rolling some Stealth skill checks.

As I put some things together for testing I’ll try to post other screenshots and more information.

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Ghosts of Ezar’s War (A HârnMaster PBP Game)

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The Peoni Church manages almost all orphanages on Harn. At some point you were all taken in by the local Peoni Church as orphans at a very young age (most between 3-5 years old) and cared for by the Irreproachable Order (Male Clerical Order of Peoni). During that time and at a very young age (most between 3-5 years old) you were identified by representatives of a small militant sect of the Peoni Church based in western Kanday as being “special”. Having been singled out, members of this group arranged for you to be transferred to and “adopted” to be raised/trained as priests at their temple located in Ryce with the local church headquartered in Dunir. However the priest at the local temple in Ryce had other intentions. This small Peoni sect are not adherents to all of the peaceful teachings of Peoni. Instead they have taken a more militant position and interpret the position of Belsirasin “known as the Weeping Warrior” to be more aggressive. They are not so fond of the Peoni Church having to rely on the protection of the Church of Larani and feel they should have their own soldiers. However they also know that these actions and attitude would likely get them all reprimanded if not excommunicated even with the Peoni penchant of forgiveness. For that reason the real training has been kept out of sight and well secreted. Although you have been well trained in the teachings of Peoni (as part of your cover) and are very knowledgeable acolytes you have also had other militaristic training. Only a few of the priests at Ryce and your other trainers know the true story.

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