The campaign setup continues and a new campaign name has been determined. It will hereafter be known as the “Goblins Rule, Dwarves Drool!” campaign. The campaign will use the Rolemaster RPG Ruleset using Fantasy Grounds II (for online play via a Virtual Tabletop) and takes place in the world of Harn in the southwestern corner of the Kingdom of Kanday near Hebon Keep. The majority of the action will be centered around the village of Mezint.
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Well, I have been sitting here thinking up what the theme of my first online RPG campaign should be. I am seriously considering doing something way out of the ordinary such as a monster based PC campaign. The players would roll up Goblin’s as their PC’s (both Goblin and Hobgoblins races would be eligible) and I would limit the character classes to non or limited magic based classes.
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