Nuzyeal 1st in the Year 720 TR.
The PC’s have been summoned in the early morning hours to the main Peonian chapel of the Abbey at Ryce.
There, Valdek of Haldor, the current high priest is waiting for them.
“Today you being the next phase of your journey where you will be able to use all the knowledge of the past 20. You are headed to Hebon Keep by ship and then on to Mezint Manor to meet your new teacher. Take the rest of the day packing your belongings as you will not be returning anytime soon.” He continues, “Tomorrow afternoon we will leave Ryce and go to the port at Dunir. There we will board a Laranian vessel who will take us to Hebon. From there, it is a 16 hour sail. ALL your weapons will be crated up for the journey as we will be travelling under the guise of pilgrims. Each of you can take any personal funds you have saved up during your time here.”
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