Category Fantasy Grounds

HârnMaster and Fantasy Grounds (VTT)

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Fantasy Grounds has a revised ‘MoreCore Ruleset’ that has been redesigned enough that it looks like it can be tweaked and used for HarnMaster now. Here is ‘Peri the Lame’ from Friends, Foes & Followers – Part 12 rolling some Stealth skill checks.

As I put some things together for testing I’ll try to post other screenshots and more information.

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D&D5e Hârn Classes

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For this pHârn I plan to redo most of the D&D 5e classes to better match Hârn. For example, the Paladin will only be available to followers of Larani and will be associated with the Order of the Checkered Shield or The Lady of the Paladins Fighting Orders. However, there will be an ‘Anti-Paladin’ type subclass known as ‘Blackguard’ that will be available to the followers of Agrik and associated with his Fighting Orders. At this point I am envisioning the following classes;

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Bestiary – Gargu-Arak

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One of the first things I have been working on for the D&D5e Hârn conversion is getting some of the Hârn specific creatures converted over to D&D5e stats starting with the Gargun.  First up is the Gargu-Arak although its only a draft and will be tweaked as needed.

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D&D5e Hârn Conversion Project

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After reading the d20 Hârn Guide created by Shane Morales (the Version 1.01 copy dated  June 9th  2002) I have decided to do my own D&D5e Hârn conversion. As part of the project I will be building supporting Fantasy Grounds Library Modules in the hopes that one day it will be complete enough to run an actual online Fantasy Grounds campaign.

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Knights of Belsirasin (Game Session I – Part 2)

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Nuzyeal 2nd in the Year 720 TR.

The next day under an overcast sky the players assemble in the courtyard. A few notice that there is an unusual chill in the air this morning. They approach Valdek who is already there waiting for them. He motions them over to a small table near the front gate where he has laid out a map of the Kingdom of Kanday.

Pointing to their current location on the map, Valdek addresses the group.

“We will leave Dunir in the early afternoon and arrive in the port at Hebon sometime in the early morning tomorrow. Once arriving at Hebon we will meet with our contacts there to arrange horses and wagons and will then travel south and west to Mezint.”

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Knights of Belsirasin (Game Session I)

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Nuzyeal 1st in the Year 720 TR.

The PC’s have been summoned in the early morning hours to the main Peonian chapel of the Abbey at Ryce.

There, Valdek of Haldor, the current high priest is waiting for them.

“Today you being the next phase of your journey where you will be able to use all the knowledge of the past 20. You are headed to Hebon Keep by ship and then on to Mezint Manor to meet your new teacher. Take the rest of the day packing your belongings as you will not be returning anytime soon.” He continues, “Tomorrow afternoon we will leave Ryce and go to the port at Dunir. There we will board a Laranian vessel who will take us to Hebon. From there, it is a 16 hour sail. ALL your weapons will be crated up for the journey as we will be travelling under the guise of pilgrims. Each of you can take any personal funds you have saved up during your time here.”

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Goblins Rule, Dwarves Drool!

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The campaign setup continues and a new campaign name has been determined. It will hereafter be known as the “Goblins Rule, Dwarves Drool!” campaign.  The campaign will use the Rolemaster RPG Ruleset using Fantasy Grounds II (for online play via a Virtual Tabletop) and takes place in the world of Harn in the southwestern corner of the Kingdom of Kanday near Hebon Keep. The majority of the action will be centered around the village of Mezint.

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Fantasy Grounds II – VTT

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Having looked over all of the available Virtual Table Top programs out there I decided to go with Fantasy Grounds II and the Ultimate License. This license basically allows anyone with an unregistered copy to connect to me as host and use the players side of the software without having to purchase even the “Lite License”. It comes with a couple of rulesets already available however more can be purchased for modest prices. Unfortunately, HârnMaster is not one of them. While the 4th Edition D&D Ruleset does come with FGII, that game system is not something I am really excited about.

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